Sales Info
Most images on this site are available to purchase as prints or to license for personal or commercial use. Purchases can be made directly online, by clicking the “add to cart” button. You can also check prices, without purchasing anything, by clicking this button.
To license an image, double-click on the image, click on the "Add to cart" link (to the right of the image) & click on "download". You'll see two options - Personal Use and Commercial Use. Just click on the one you want. You can then proceed to pay for & download the image.
To purchase, or to check the price of an item or print, double-click on the image & click on "prints" or "products". Select the item that you want, such as a greeting card, coffee mug, T-shirt, mouse pad, etc. and then click on "Add to cart" to place your order.
Shopping on this website is secure & you can pay using PayPal or your personal credit card. Your information is safe & is only used to process your purchase.
You can see more pictures at